How to Blow Up a Pipeline
ON: 03.06.2023 AT: TON 1 WHO: Fugu Films
Andreas Malm’s HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE inspired the four creators Daniel Goldhaber, Ariela Barer, Jordon Sjol, and Daniel Garber to turn the book into a heist movie of the same title. Malm’s imperative call to the climate movement sparked public debate around environmental activism, arguing that the destruction of fossil fuel infrastructure is not only justified, but a moral obligation. The film adapts the radical manifesto into an apocalyptic Western portraying a generation that feels like it has no future, and that their only hope is through their own drastic actions to prevent a climate cataclysm.
“A propulsive, nerve-jangling thriller about eight young people who want to send a message about the urgency of the climate crisis by sabotaging an oil pipeline.” – The Guardian
Join Fugu Films for the German premiere of HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE at Atelier Gardens’ TON 1 followed by a panel discussion with special guests.
Get your ticket here.
A film by: Daniel Goldhaber – director, writer, producer | Ariela Barer – actor, writer, producer | Jordan Sjol – writer, executive producer | Daniel Garber – editor
Starring: Ariela Barer | Kristine Froseth | Lukas Gage | Forrest Goodluck | Sasha Lane | Jayme Lawson | Marcus Scribner | Jake Weary | Irene Bedard
7.00 PM – Doors open and welcome at the bar
7.30 PM – HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE screening
9.00 PM – Panel discussion with special guests Daniel Goldhaber, Ariela Barer, Andreas Malm, Tatjana Söding (Zetkin Collective), climate activist Tadzio Müller and Manon Gerhardt (Extinction Rebellion).
10.00 PM – Get together with Music and drinks