The second open-air cinema screening in the Girls just wanna have fun-damental rights – Film Series at Atelier Gardens. Curated by Canan Turan.

The documentary “Singled [Out]” is about the stories of five professionally successful single women over 30 from four corners of the world: Jules in Melbourne, Manu in Barcelona, Shu and Yang in Shanghai and Melek in Istanbul. They are all on their own in societies where (heterosexual) couples and families are the norm. On the other hand, women who do not have a partner are culturally stigmatized. While some of the protagonists enjoy the freedoms of being single, an underlying fear of failure and inadequacy all too often persists. Expert interviews with Eva Illouz (sociologist), Albert Esteve (demographer) and Hülya Gülbahar (lawyer and activist), among others, provide scholarly insights into this persistent social stigma.

Documentary: ES / TR 2017, 70 Min. Directors: Mariona Guiu & Ariadna Relea; Protagonists: Melek M. Küçukuzun, Jules Gibson, Yang Shu, Yan Ge, Manuela Ripollés

Opening Time: 30 Minutes before the screening.

Tickets are available online and at the boxoffice.

About Girls just wanna have fun-damental rights:
The feminist and queer film series “Girls just wanna have fun-damental rights” explores what respect, self-determination and freedom can mean for women with intersectional identities through five international documentaries and feature films. The protagonists of the films are predominantly BIPOC and redefine their understanding of womanhood by fighting against patriarchy, racism and heteronormativity, by their will to live safely and securely and by standing up for the political rights of their community. The films are made by women and about women, but not only for women, appealing to a broad audience.

About Canan Turan:
Canan Turan is a filmmaker, curator, facilitator, speaker and consultant. Her focus is on diversity, anti-discrimination and representation critique in society, culture and film, looking at them with an anti-racist, postcolonial and intersectional-feminist perspective. Canan holds a B.A. in Film Studies from the Free University of Berlin and did an M.A. in Documentary Film at Goldsmiths College London. She is the director of the short film Kıymet (2012) and creative producer of the feature-length documentary From Here (2020) by Christina Antonakos-Wallace. For the Duhok IFF, AKE DIKHEA? International Festival of Romani Film, the German Film Institute and Museum, Panthertainment, Film- und Kinobüro Hessen and Vision Kino, she has curated numerous film programs, panel discussions and workshops. At this year’s interfilm International Short Film Festival Berlin, Canan is co-curator of the German Competition and responsible for the focus program “The *Other* German Cinema”.

