Connecting with Soil, Soul, Society through Archery

Not only the last three years have shown that we have to fundamentally reposition ourselves in view of our fragile future. If not now – then when? The bow helps us to root ourselves and connect to the soil, to align with our soul and grow: stepping into our presence and to speaking up with dignity. Keeping the goal in mind. Fearless, courageous and yet always integrating and connecting. From Ego to Eco. From I to We. Because we cannot walk the path alone.

Under the motto Soil, Soul & Society, Atelier Gardens hosts programs that get people moving, drive creativity and promote community. As part of this, Atelier Gardens and the Archery Academy offer an evening shooting session on campus for those interested.

The archery course is offered in English. No prior archery experience is required. Please sign up here through the Bogenakademie.

About the Bogenakademie:

We are Europe-wide experts in learning and transformation processes through archery – for companies, organizations and individuals.

The goal of our work is to support people in times of far-reaching and constant change. We use Intuitive Archery as a transformative tool in change processes and cultural development.


18:00 - 21:00